Dental bridges provide an alternative to implants in Calgary
Dental implants are an important advance in modern dentistry. A dental implant replaces the root of a missing tooth, and topped with a crown, serves as a lifetime restoration. A single tooth may be replaced with a dental implant. Some patients are not good candidates for dental implants, or they simply don’t want an implant. […]
Calgary dental practice offers restorative crown procedure
Dental crowns have long had an important place in cosmetic and restorative dentistry. Our team of dental professionals at Living Wellness Dental in Calgary are pleased to offer a complete range of holistic, biological, pediatric, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry, including natural-looking dental crown procedure. Dr. James Redd believes in providing biocompatible materials and only the […]
Patients Seeking Answers to “What is a dental crown?”
The Living Wellness Dental team provides experienced, safe, and effective dental treatment to patients in the Calgary, Alberta, area seeking restorative dental options. One such restoration is a highly versatile dental crown that can also be used for cosmetic purposes. Over the many years that dentists have used crowns, they have been crafted from a wide […]
Ceramic replacements of metal crowns by CEREC offer healthier, more appealing options for Calgary patients
For many years, dental crowns have been ideal solutions for patients who needed to protect, restore, or cover teeth that are broken, decayed, weak, discolored, or simply unattractive. These crowned teeth, referred to as caps, may also be used to secure a dental bridge or to complete a dental implant. Traditionally, crowns were available in […]
Dental Practice Provides Crowns, Bridges, and Dental Crown Restoration In Calgary
Loss of your teeth, or broken or decaying teeth, can have a profound impact on your self-image and confidence. There are several risk factors for tooth loss due to gum disease, such as age and gender, the lack or avoidance of professional dental care, an insufficient at-home oral hygiene plan, tobacco use and smoking, and […]