Preventive services offered at Living Wellness Dental

Dental Office Near Me Airdrie AB Area

Preventive services offered at Living Wellness Dental Thanks to modern science, it has become increasingly clear that the mouth is the “gateway” to whole person wellness. One of the fundamental tenets of general dentistry practiced from a biological approach is the concept of proactive and preventative dental treatment with a view towards whole body health. […]

Stay on top of your oral health with a trusted General Dentist

General Dentistry in Calgary Area

Stay on top of your oral health with a trusted General Dentist Did you know that jeopardized or failing oral health can be a strong indicator of issues with your systemic health? Issues with your dental health can point out other existing health problems you may not know you are suffering from? General dentist Dr. […]

What services can I expect from a dental office?

Dental Office at Living Wellness Dental in Calgary AB Area

Oral health requires a collaborative effort between the dental team and the client. This requires the client to have a well-designed, biologically sound oral maintenance regimen at home and to visit a dentist regularly. At Living Wellness Dental, we understand the importance of educating clients on proper oral hygiene and biologically-friendly tools and treatments towards […]