Stay on top of your oral health with a trusted General Dentist

Stay on top of your oral health with a trusted General Dentist

Did you know that jeopardized or failing oral health can be a strong indicator of issues with your systemic health? Issues with your dental health can point out other existing health problems you may not know you are suffering from? General dentist Dr. Kindal Robertson and his team of professionals at Living Wellness Dental in Calgary, Alberta, provide dental examinations that bring to light any underlying threats to your oral health and overall wellbeing.

Regular dental checkups and hygiene appointments each year are an integral part of achieving optimal overall health. A dental checkup is key to identifying any early signs of oral health issues so they can be treated. The earlier these illnesses are detected the greater the likelihood of finding effective remedies that will lead to recovery. 

Health issues a dentist can uncover

Many life-threatening illnesses often manifest themselves through symptoms of distress found in the mouth. While your general physician may perform a minor oral inspection, it is your dentist who has the tools and is trained to identify and diagnose illness affecting any part of your oral system, on the surface or beneath. There are several signs which could point toward more grave health problems. Here are some examples.

  • Osteoporosis: When there is a change in the amount of bone matter in the jaw and teeth have become loose, it could indicate that the patient is suffering from osteoporosis. 
  • HIV: Candidiasis, or oral thrush, could be an indicator that a patient is suffering from HIV. Symptoms include creamy white lesions on the surface of the gums, tongue and/or tonsils.
  • Diabetes: When gums bleed or are sensitive, and the patient suffers from chronically bad breath, it could be a sign that they are suffering from diabetes.
  • Cancer: Red and white lesions that start to surface on or underneath the tongue, and do not seem to be healing, it could be a sign of cancer.

Waiting to see a dentist only when problems arise is an unwise strategy, allowing for underlying issues to manifest and progress into more serious medical conditions. When regular examinations are performed on your mouth, teeth, and gums, it could just save your life. If you are looking for a general dentist in Calgary, AB, schedule an appointment with Living Wellness Dental by calling (587) 600-6935 today.

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